Sadly Sci-fi month is coming to an end, I have really enjoyed the content seeing peoples work and having regular themed projects. and although its only 155 days away, its seems a awful long time to Halloween..I wonder if there are any special/weird event days coming between then and now? I know international speak like a pirate day is in my calender for Sept 19th, post on FB any others you can find or think of, and we may just make the odd special appearance. :)
Anyway that all being said, onto the main post.

Towel day in honour of Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy was on the 25th May, as you are required to carry a towel with you all day, I had a trawl through the Interweb and stumbled across this beautiful
idea and since the beginning of the month my towel has been by my side because you never know when you're going to need it.

I slightly changed my design and it is still a work in progress. I used 2 reasonably cheap hand towels, and laid them top to tail on top of each other off centre, this gave me the top front strip as a design feature and an inner label so you could tell what it was, once they were pinned together I chopped roughly 15 inches from the top.(*add any lettering/patches to the top one here before stitching the layers together across the top) This becomes your flap, and back, I also included a layer of wadding here.
I then lined up the remaining the same way to create the front/bottom of the bag, and again cut 15 inches off, stuffing the same way and stitched them together across the top.
Because I haven't stitched the sides I turned them inside out and stitched the front and back together across the middle so its one long length again,
Turned them back through, I followed the other blog's directions for a square bottom,
Sadly my machine didn't much care for stitching towels so I did end up going through a couple of needles, and it just didn't want to play nice with the lettering so I've ended up stitching a patch on.
I uses the wastage to cut a thin strap, stitched it up the middle to stop fraying and joined sections using a cross pattern,
Stitched up the sides and boosh. one rough handbag shape.
Finally all that's left is to add some extra retro badges and walk around town with your bag flashing off your nerdness to the max!!
The giveaway ends midnight so don't forget to use these last few hours to show off your wares (as it were) either follow the
link or post on FB.
goodbye and thanks for all the fish. :)
jas x